Porous Walker...
We love Porous Walker... as of today, we’re obsessed with him too.
All Gone 2007 - Colette
Colette sent us a copy of the All Gone 2007 book today. Pages 206 & 207 features the Solitary Arts and an original drawing for the book by Geoff. We’re really honored to be included in this issue and thank Sarah and the Colette family for thinking of us.
Page 206 & 207 * Click image to get the book
Arkitip No. 0044
Thank you to Michael Leon
Page 41 in Arkitip No. 0044
Beautiful Losers Film @ SXSW w/ Money Mark, Tommy Guerrero, Bing Ji Ling, and more...
Original music by Money Mark for the film Beautiful Losers
w/ Tommy Guerrero featuring Bing Ji Ling
Pigeon John
Taylor McFerrin
Dokkebi Q
Music By DJ Jester
Thursday, March 13th
Doors at 8PM
Buffalo Billiards
201 East 6th Street @ Brazos
Austin, TX
Special Screening of Beautiful Losers Thursday, March 13th, 4PM at the Alamo Ritz
Todd Francis' Natural Dejection
Todd Francis and Element Skateboards have created the Natural Dejection Series with signature tees designed for Element Europe. Available now and hoping they release them stateside one day. Todd’s personal drawings are awesome so it’s great that Element is supporting their 9 years of working together.
Geoff's Shirt For Mollusk Venice Beach
Geoff did a shirt for Mollusk Surf Shop Venice Beach a while back and today, I got one from John at his Mollusk SF Shop. No GM tag or signature anywhere but that’s what makes this shirt unique. Including the funny graphics. It has the same image on both sides (front pocket and larger back print) and is a must for the devout GM and/or the Mollusk fan. I don’t think they’ll be making too many of these.
This photo of Keith holding the drawing is the day Geoff dropped-off the artwork to the Mollusk Venice guys last Fall. It’s the Hot & Single sketch at the very top in B&W.
Giant Peach Website
Cliff House on Great Highway
I take my daily route to the studio along the beach via the Great Highway here in San Francisco and have rarely seen anyone bombing the curved road leading down the hill from the Cliff House to Ocean Beach. It’s not impossible of course but it’s quite steep at the top and speed is immanent without fail. Yes, I’ve seen someone cruise their longboard and carve it while speed-checking around the turns but today, with the perfect Bay Area weather, I finally got a glimpse of someone charging it. As I made the second to the last curve up the hill (last bend; right-turn in the photo below), a solo kid, probably 15 years old, street board with hard wheels, silver headphones the size of his head, was gunning-it with no foot-drag at top speed. Styled and natural… This turn is where you think either, “I’m making it, or it’s over.” I probably would have thought that even before this section of the road, further up. Stoked as I raised my arm out the window towards him this beautiful afternoon in elation. It made my Monday for sure…
Mollusk Surf Shop Website
Pottok Opening Reception
Photos courtesy of: Kitsune Noir.
kenny forever

solitary arts
mini skate shop

jef hartsel bob lake geoff mcfetridge
↓ez ryder
is jef hartsel and jay adams
interviews yong-ki chang
our inclusion
in stuff

equal dist. is
yong-ki chang
in the bay area

champion don't stop
is geoff mcfetridge
in atwater village