Anti-Hero x Todd Francis
Thanks to everyone for their support, from around the world...
Aaron Hazelwood
Thanks to Aaron Hazelwood... Always a good session...!
Saturday, June 23, 2012 in SF
Kelly and Ferris at Fecal Face Friday, June 22, 2012
Kelly Tunstall and Ferris Plock. Click the image above for full details and samples of their artwork.
Don Pendleton x Juxtapoz
A bit late on this but really stoked on the cover of the June 2012 Juxtapoz Magazine by Don Pendleton. A limited edition print is also available of the cover in the Juxtapoz shop for only $35. Also, check out Will Smith in the Don Pendleton STANCE socks! Yeah, Don!
Rodney Mullen @ TEDxUSC
Bob Lake got the front page of the SF Chronicle today!
Good Wood... Bid For A Cause; Todd Francis' Board Is Sick!
With the Good Wood auction in full-effect, there are a few new additions and ones that I missed during the start of the online bidding, which ends on Saturday, May 26, 2012.
Todd Francis' board is a classic nod to his style and humor and one that will get serious looks and bids with those that know what an instant classic looks like.
ROSTARR: Romon Yang "Ikonoclysm", Solo in Tokyo
ROSTARR had a solo exhibition at Gallery Common in Shibuya, Japan this month and sent photos my way to share. Thanks Romon... SO GOOD and one my personal favorites!
Visit Equal Dist for some goods from ROSTARR.
kenny forever

solitary arts
mini skate shop

jef hartsel bob lake geoff mcfetridge
↓ez ryder
is jef hartsel and jay adams
interviews yong-ki chang
our inclusion
in stuff

equal dist. is
yong-ki chang
in the bay area

champion don't stop
is geoff mcfetridge
in atwater village